Custom Templates

Create various types of custom templates for a consistent look throughout your entire album design collection.
Save a page layout of only images as a template to incorporate throughout the same design project or in future ones. Find all saved layout templates in the Templates panel.

Save as Layout Template
  1. Right-click over canvas area.
  2. Select Save as Layout Template
  3. Choose an existing collection to save it into or create a new one.
  4. Choose to save the layout as a spread, left or right side.
  5. Enter layout template name.
  6. Click OK.
Apply a Layout Template
  1. Click on the Templates panel.
  2. Filter by collection.
  3. Drag and drop selected template onto canvas area.
Delete a Layout Template
  1. Click on the Templates panel.
  2. Filter to collection with template to be deleted.
  3. Select template to be delete.
  4. Right-click on template and choose Delete.
Save a Layout Template as a Favorite
  1. Click on the Templates panel.
  2. Filter to collection with template to favor.
  3. Select template to favor.
  4. Right-click on template and choose Add to my Favorites.
Show only Favorites
  1. Click on the Templates panel.
  2. Filter to My Favorites.
Save a fully designed page layout that includes images, graphics, and text boxes as a template to incorporate throughout the same design project or in future ones. Find all saved custom page templates in the Custom Page Templates panel.

Save as a Page Template
  1. Go to Document > Save as Custom Page Template.
  2. Choose an existing collection or create a new one.
  3. Enter watermark label. This label will be added to each image frame.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Enter page template name.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Click OK.
Save an entire album layout that includes images, graphics, and text boxes as a book template to use in future design projects.

Save as a Book Template
  1. Go to File > Save as Book Template.
  2. Enter a file name.
  3. Choose to include locked objects.
  4. Enter a watermark label.
  5. Click Save.
Use a Book Template
  1. Go to File > New or select New Book from the ABM Homescreen.
  2. Navigate to and select the Book Template file that ends with extension ab2template.
  3. Click on the Pages panel.
  4. Open a page to edit.
  5. Import a new set of images into the Image Folder panel.
  6. Drag and drop images on top of watermarked image openings until all have been replaced.
  7. Go to File > Save.
  8. Select save-to location.
  9. Enter file name.
  10. Click OK.
Save the location of all guides used on a page layout as a template to incorporate throughout the same design project or in future ones. Find all saved guide templates in the Guides panel.

Make Visible or Hide
Go to Documents > Show Guides

Add Guide
  1. Click on the horizontal or vertical ruler area.
  2. Drag and drop guide where needed.
Move Guide
Place cursor over guide until it turns into a double headed arrow, then drag to new position.

Delete Guide
Place cursor over guide until it turns into a double headed arrow, then drag to ruler area or right-click and choose Delete.

Save as a Guide Template
  1. Place guides at location of choice.
  2. Go to Documents > Save as Guide Template.
  3. Label swatch.
  4. Click OK.
Apply a Guide Template
  1. Click on the Guides panel.
  2. Filter by collection.
  3. Drag and drop Guide Template onto the canvas area to apply.