AsukaBook Maker

Frequently Asked Questions

Find the answers to most frequently asked questions.


Which color space should I use?
We accept files in either Adobe RGB or sRGB. You should select the color space that matches your images. Learn more about Color Space and about our Color Management.

Why are the images blurry in AsukaBook Maker?
AsukaBook Maker displays the images at a lower quality to increase the image loading speed. The image quality rendered in the exported Order File wil be the same as your original file.
  • Always review the exported Order File at 100% scale for accuracy, quality, color & spelling prior to placing an order.
How can I add a paragraph of text?
AsukaBook Maker does not have paragraph formatting features. However, you can format your copy in an application such as Word, then copy and paste the text into AsukaBook Maker using the Type Tool.
  • Always use Hard Return instead of a soft return or auto wrap.
What is my Activation Code?
Your Activation Code is the same as the User ID (9xxxxx) you were given when you first registered. Find your User ID or Activation Code in your welcome email, or contact Customer Care for further assistance.

How can I find my design project file?
If you are not able to locate your AsukaBook Maker design project, perform a computer file search for the following extensions:
  • One File: If you saved your projects as One File, search for ab2.
  • Multi File: If you saved your projects as Multi File, search for ab2m, and each page spread has the format abpage.
  • Linked: If you saved your projects as Linked, search for ab2l.
  • Packaged: If you saved your projects as Packaged, search for ab2.ab2p.
Can I use another software besides AsukaBook Maker to design my layout?
You may design your layout using any software of your choice, but note that additional steps need to be taken to ensure full compatibility with our uploader system. Contact Customer Care for further assistance.